Sunday, May 3, 2009

Google map of potential wind farm

This location approximately 10 miles off the coast of Muskegon, near Snug Harbor and Muskegon Lake, would be a good spot for an offshore wind farm. This area receives a daily average wind speed of 11.5 miles or 10 knots, making it a pretty good choice. Due to the fact that this would be an offshore wind farm, noise and shadow flicker would have little to no impact on local residents. This site would only affect local boaters and smaller vessels, since the east coast of Lake Michigan does not contain any major shipping routes. Migratory birds will most likely not be an issue, while they are common to this area, there does not appear to be any major migratory routes near the east coast of Lake Michigan. According to The American Wind Energy Association, Avian studies have been carried out at many wind farm sites, they show that bird kills per megawatt (MW), average one to six per year or less. These studies included sites passed by millions of migrating birds each year.